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Here you can see all the cool stuff you’ve picked out. Take a look at what you’ve got and make any changes you need before heading to checkout:

1. Your Items:
– See all the awesome Trapstar  items you’ve chosen.
– Check sizes, colors, and quantities.

2. Edit :
– Need to make changes? You can adjust quantities or remove items here.

3. Continue Shopping:
– Want to add more to your collection? Click the “Continue Shopping” button.

4. Promo Code:
– Got a special promo code? Enter it here for some sweet savings!

5. Subtotal:
– See the total cost of your items before taxes and shipping.

6. Proceed to Checkout:
– Ready to complete your purchase? Click “Proceed to Checkout” when you’re done.

Thanks for choosing Trapstar! We hope you love your picks. If you need any help, just let us know. Happy shopping!trapstar logo Cart Checkout Blog Trapstar Jacket My Account